Hasegawa F-8E Crusader
Correction Notes
by José Herculano
Hasegawa's 1/48 scale F-8E
Crusader |

Hasegawa's 1/48
scale F-8E Crusader will be available online from Squadron.com
The new 1/48 scale Hasegawa F-8E Crusader is a nice model, but with some
pretty weird quirks.
Its launch was delayed by about a month, reportedly to allow Hasegawa to fine
tune a few points. Perhaps it should have been delayed two months, even three.
It is such a nice kit in so many areas – like dimensions and shape – that one
cannot help wondering what an absolute gem it might have been.
It would be nice to see Hasegawa do the honorable thing, and go over the molds
with some simple yet effective changes. Meanwhile, it is up to the modeler to go
the extra mile and execute some procedures, that annoying though they are for a
steed from such exalted stable, are pretty straightforward and rewarding.
The three main quirks and my suggested fixes are listed below:
1. Exhaust
Trim a bit the exhaust at the attachment point, so that it does not protrude
beyond the rear of the fuselage.
2. Front
Gear Leg
Do a very simple modification to the front gear leg.
As provided, the part is wrong for an F-8E. If you wish to know more about
this, do a search on HyperScale's "Plane Talking" forum for some outstanding
explanation on Crusader gear differences by former F-8 driver Tom Weinel.
The modification took me all of 2 minutes with a Two Bobs sanding stick. Just
shave away the “horns".